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— n° 2 GX 2000 12 bar
— n° 2 GSS 72/2X Глобальная система безопасности 72 ч
— n° 2 ECXV-I 15-20 (inox — tipo B) 1500000-2000000


The client's initial request was substitution of an old steam boiler with very low efficiency and disturbed steam production. Previously the plant was composed of a steam boiler with continuous su [...].

The 3 t/h superheated steam boiler is equipped with latest most advanced equipment like special designed feed water pumps with inverter, a special superheater, a special economizer and much more. A se [...].

— n° 1 GSX 2500 12 bar export
— n° 1 GSS 24/0 Глобальная Система Езопасности
— n° 1 Двухступенчатая прогрессивн


— n° 1 GX 15000 15 bar export
— n° 1 Модуляционная газовая горелка
— n° 1 GSS 24/0 Глобальная Система Езопасност


— n° 2 GSX 4000 P 12 bar export
— n° 2 Модуляционная газовая горелка
— n° 2 ECO-G 5 (B) — GSX 3500
— n° 2 GSS 72/2X Г


THE PROJECT The initial request of the customer involved the resolution of the problem of having to completely modernize the existing thermal power station by differentiating the fluid carriers distri [...].

THE PROJECT The initial request of the customer involved the resolution of the problem of having a steam boiler destined for the research and development area, delocalised with respect to the primary [...].