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— n° 1 WHB — Котел-утилизатор паровой дымогарный моноблочного типа соответствующий PED 2014/68/EU


— n° 1 ASGX EN 6000
— n° 1 ECXV-KOND 40-50 (tipo A) 4000000 — 5000000 kcal/h — GX 5000
— n° 1 GSS 72 Глобальная система безопасн


The task from our customer was to substitute an old superheated steam with a new and efficient solution, of higher capacity in order to answer to the new plant requirements. Due to the limited time sc [...].

The main scope of the project was to supply the best technical and commercial solution for a new boiler room with condensing boilers in order to increase the quality of life into the prison institutio [...].

— n° 1 SIXEN 4000 12 bar export
— n° 1 Группа автоматической продувки с несколькими единицами арматуры «SIXEN —
