Home | Case Study | Районное отопление | Olaines Cietums Prison Favility Heating Boiler Room
The main scope of the project was to supply the best technical and commercial solution for a new boiler room with condensing boilers in order to increase the quality of life into the prison institution according with the EU demands. Accordingly, the project was designed from the ground by our local distributor in Latvia, based on the specifications of the GREENOX.e 100, GREENOX.e 170 boilers together with suitable condensers BAX-C 88 and BAX-C 128. The requirement followed by ICI CALDAIE was the supply of high efficient boilers with condensing option having the main goal life improvements, the lowest ration between cost of investment and operation costs into a new and limited space boiler room. The result is a stat of the art installation with low emissions and high efficiency.
Стальной трехходовой водогрейный котел, имеющий низкую теплонапряженность топки и омываемое днище, предназначен для работы с наддувными горелками на...
Полезная мощность: 420 ÷ 3000 кВт
Расчетное давление: 5 бар
Эффективность: > 95,0 %
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