Caseificio Sanguedolce

Case Study

Type: Chaudières à vapeur

Sector: Food&Beverage

Country: Italie

THE PROJECT The project stems from the company's need to invest in energy efficiency of its own thermal plant dedicated to the production of industrial excellence in the dairy sector. The previous steam generation plant consisted of an obsolete steam boiler without any type of heat recovery and a technologically backward combustion system. THE SOLUTION […]

Chaudières installées

La gamma SIXEN N è costituita da generatori di vapore monoblocco a tubi da fumo ad inversione di...

Production de vapeur: 350 à 5000 kg / h

Puissance utile: 238 ÷ 3407 kW

Pression de conception: 12 ou 15 bar

Efficacité: > 90,0%

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