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– n° 2 GX 2000 12 bar– n° 2 Sistema de seguridad global GSS 72/2X– n° 2 ECXV-I 15-20 (inox – tipo B) 1500000-2000000 kcal/h – SIXEN 3500 – GX 2000– n° 2 S [...].
– n° 2 TNOX 3500 BT COND– n° 2 TNOX 6000 BT COND– n° 2 GSS72 Sistema de seguridad global 72H Agua Sobrecalentada– n° 2 ASGX EN 3500– n° 1 GREENOx BT COND 300 [...].
– n° 1 GSX 3000 12 bar– n° 1 Sistema de seguridad global GSS 72/2X– n° 1 ECO-G 4 (A) – GSX 3000 – P 3500 [...].
– n° 1 SIXEN 500 12 bar [...].
– n° 1 GX 15000 15 bar export– n° 1 Quemador metano modulante– n° 1 GSS 24/0 sistema de seguridad global 24H– n° 1 Regulación nivel modulante DN 50 GX 9000-15000– n� [...].
THE PROJECT The initial request of the customer involved the resolution of the problem of having to completely modernize the existing thermal power station by differentiating the fluid carriers distri [...].
THE PROJECT The initial request of the customer involved the resolution of the problem of having a steam boiler destined for the research and development area, delocalised with respect to the primary [...].
THE PROJECT The initial request of the customer involved the resolution of the problem of having a back-up steam boiler to the existing one that had a producibility adequate to the needs and a high ef [...].
– n° 2 GX 6000 12 bar export– n° 2 ECXV 60-70 (tipo B) 6000000-7000000 kcal/h – GX 6000– n° 2 Regulación nivel modulante DN 40 GX 6000-8000– n° 1 GSX 6000 P 12 bar e [...].
– n° 2 Monolite 270 GT– n° 2 Cuadro de control caldera con tarjeta electrónica eterm ®– n° 2 Neutralizador [...].
– n° 1 ECOVAPOR 1700 ECS72 Gruppo Termico 1700 kg/h 12 bar– n° 1 CMMS Ecovapor – (Coincidence Monitoring & Management System) [...].
– n° 2 TNOX 6000 BT COND– n° 3 TNOX 4800 BT COND– n° 3 Cuadro master de gestión de la caldera QATRXETERM01 [...].