Home | Case Study | Instalaciones sanitarias y de recepción | Gold Coast Private Hospital
Once thing is to receive the request for a special declaration because of the boiler has to be lifted at 25 mts, to issue it, to send it and "close" the request and totally different is to receive a feedback like this and have the possibility to "see" the cause of the request and the result: a boiler lifted 25 mts.
This help us in having more and more passion in our daily work and don't consider it only "paper".
La gama SIXEN N consiste en generadores de vapor monobloque de tubos de humo con inversión de llama...
Producción de vapor: 350 ÷ 5000 kg/h
Poder útil: 238 ÷ 3407 kW
Presión de diseño: 12 o 15 bar
Eficiencia: > 90,0 %
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