Estover Piimatööstus OÜ – Produzione di Formaggio

Case Study

Type: Calderas De Vapor

Sector: Food&Beverage

Country: Estonia

The client's initial request was substitution of an old steam boiler with very low efficiency and disturbed steam production.
Previously the plant was composed of a steam boiler with continuous surveillance of 6 t/h steam capacity which was working with a regular heavy oil burner  
After a careful analysis ICI Caldaie proposed a very efficient steam boiler GX 6000 (10 t/h) with a GSS 72 system to assure operation without supervision for 72h. The boiler was also equipped with a special economizer for heavy oil and double flue gas outlets. The second outlet will be used into the future when the boiler will run with biogas while the existing outlet is used for the regular use of heavy oil.

Calderas instaladas


La gama GX presenta generadores de vapor monobloque con prestaciones excelentes, diseñados para ofrecer la máxima garantía de...

Producción de vapor: 1700 ÷ 32000 kg/h

Poder útil: 1163 ÷ 17442 kW

Presión de diseño: 12 o 15 bar

Eficiencia: 90,0 %

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