
Thermal Power Plant Design



ICI, through its technical-engineering team, offers a design and construction service for the entire thermal power plant, offering the customer a truly “turnkey” system.

What we do:

  • 1 Construction of new plants
    We design and build complete plants for the production of thermal energy.
  • 2 Efficiency of existing systems
    Solutions for the efficiency of current energy production and distribution systems
  • 3 Digitalization of processes
    We implement monitoring, regulation and assistance systems for the thermal power plant
  • 4 Green Experimental Plants
    Development and installation of experimental plants for the exploitation of renewable sources
  • 5 Funded R&D Projects
    Innovation of existing systems through funded research and development projects

Why choose us:

  1. Targeted and calibrated solutions
  2. Excellence of the solutions proposed
  3. Reduction of investment risks
  4. Single interlocutor and simplification

Operational phases:

  1. Study of needs and feasibility analysis
  2. Engineering and design
  3. Installation and start-up