WHIBA HOLDING, Dafniya Complex for Food Industries

Case Study




- n° 1 ASX 2500 5 bar
- n° 1 SIXEN 800 12 bar export
- n° 1 Automatic Blowdown System for SIXEN and GSX Series Steam Boilers multiple additional accessories

Boilers installed


Monobloc reverse flame wet back fire tube superheated water boilers. Manufactured from steel, quality tested according to the...

Nominal power: 233 ÷ 3488 kW

Design pressure: 5 or 12 bar

Efficiency: > 90.0%


The GX range features outstanding monobloc steam generators, designed to give maximum reliability and durability. All models have...

Steam production: 1700 ÷ 32000 kg/h

Nominal power: 1163 ÷ 17442 kW

Design pressure: 12 or 15 bar

Efficiency: 90,0 %

The SIXEN N range consists of monobloc reverse flame wet back fire tube steam boilers. This range is...

Steam production: 350 to 5000 kg / h

Nominal power: 238 ÷ 3407 kW

Design pressure: 12 or 15 bar

Efficiency: > 90.0%

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