Distribution Headers


Distribution headers are designed to allow economic distribution of the media (steam, water, thermal oil) to the individual users. The Distribution headers are individually designed to match the system requirements using ASTM A 106 Gr.B pipe with dished ends, and a sufficient number of flanged fittings suitably sized to match the customer's requirements. Steam headers are also provided with a dirt leg. External paint finish for insulation and coating purposes, undertaken on site by the customer. Wall fixing brackets or floor support saddles are available upon request. COV headers are manufactured and tested with procedures approved according to the PED Directive 2014/68/EU. Diameter, length and connections are designed according to the customer's requirements specified in the enquiry. Benefits: - Reduction of installation costs owing to use of prefabricated elements - Space saving - PED 2014/68/EU certification included, according to the requested category

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