Exemption from continuous supervision for steam generators



Global safety system designed and manufactured to ensure a total operating safety for steam boilers, in accordance with applicable regulations in terms of exemption from continuous supervision up to 72 hours. The boiler equipped with this system is certified as “Assembly” in compliance with the Directive PED 2014/68/EU.
The delivery of the global security systems for making them unmanned up to 72 hrs by ICI CALDAIE is provided with the B+D certification module.
The system consists of a series of equipment assembled and electrically and hydraulically tested at our facility, and specifically:

The global Safety System is equipped, compared to the systems currently available on the market, with an innovative adjustment, control and remote control system. The IP55 control panel is integrated with adjustment, safety control, data recording and connectivity functions.
The control touch screen display allows for an intuitive use providing a great deal of information.
Modulating water supply according to the actual system steam request
Modulation of the thermal power according to the system actual steam request
Adjustment of frequency and duration of automatic blowdown
Adjustment of frequency and duration of blowdowns according to salinity (TDS)
Weekly programming of the pressure setpoint

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