Accessorized Supports For Steam Boilers


Basamento accessoriato atto ad essere posizionato e fissato sul lato destro del generatore di vapore, e ad ospitare, oltre al quadro elettrico della caldaia (nr.2 quadri elettrici in caso di versione DUAL N) il proprio quadro elettrico per la gestione dei componenti, un addolcitore ed un vaso raccolta condensa/serbatoio di alimentazione dalle caratteristiche riportate di seguito. The softener is of the cabinet type with automatic regeneration control. The cylinder containing resin and brine tank are contained in a single appliance that also includes the mixing valve for residual hardness adjustment. The softener is complete with latest design electronic programmer, flow sensor and turbine flow meter that allow regeneration programming in time/volume mode (after reaching of set volume at fixed time), volume (immediately after achieving set volume), or time (with the possibility of programming the frequency of regeneration or fixed days of the week at predetermined time). Also, a programmed spontaneous regeneration regardless of the actual consumption of water is possible. You can still manually start the regeneration at any time regardless of the programming operations performed.

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